Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Disturbing Costumes and Clothing...

On the first day,  I found this duo and thought it was special.
By the end of the festival, this was hardly unique.
In fact, I think I saw the top on the left fashioned into a skirt later on...

My photo hunt project started with looking for inappropriate bandeaux wearing.
This look was so common, I couldn't even believe it.
The muscle shirts with bras or bands underneath.  This one gets special credit for the spandex pants.

The lace shirt trend was popular at the festival.
Sometimes with bandeaux underneath, sometimes just a bra, like here.
And yes.  Save water, drink beer.

Oh what a hot mess!  Yay for a bra.  Nay for a shirt so loose I can see it.  

I chased the tiger through the crowd!

In search of booty shorts...these actually weren't bad.
Long, glorious hair is popular too.

Pretty awesome, rocking boots.

With body paint.

I watched this girl struggle with adjusting this top for five minutes.
Only to move the wrong way and have to do it again.  Too much skin, with too complicated of fabric.

I'm not sure I can even comment on this...

I've never thought of adding half a bird (or bear?) to my shirt sleeve.

This could have gone in props, but he was just so colorful...

Too many tutus, all three days. 

I couldn't tell if he wet his pants, or was sweaty, or something else, but I didn't like it.

I had heart they made a snuggie suit.  Here it is.

The media even got in on the fun.  Note the blue lipstick.

Booty shorts and combat boots.

This guy is always at large events.  I'm convinced there's only one.

Jesus likes music too!

Another photog.  She is sporting sequins and a mask - you'll see more masks in the props post.

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