Tuesday, July 24, 2012

...Notable Mentions

 Between the taking of these two photos, he totally flexed, realizing he was the subject of my camera.  Too bad I wasn't taking photos at that moment.  In the back is Brian Hufe.  All I can think of when I see this is... "to the window!!!  to the wall!!!"

Love me some Buffalo peeps!  I also saw some Rochesterian gear during the festival.
So proud ya'll made the trip down to Dover!

These people were actually resting.  Not passed out like so many of the others.

Due to the proximity of the air force base...the balloons did not go very high.

She's carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders...
Do I get to push pins into all the places I've traveled to, or is that her acupuncturist's job?

Thanks to Michelle Cooper for pointing this one out.  You're trying to  be healthy with the banana...
but smoking will probably kill you anyway.

Don't wear a shirt unless you want people to take pictures of it.
This made me laugh so hard!

Ran into Caitlin Custer at the Cake Concert.  She was checked out at this moment. But she recovered.

Awol Nation requested everyone put their arm around the person near them.
Back in the seated crowd, these two were the only ones who followed through.
Super cute, guys :-)

Things you hope to never see in this world.  A woman's butt cleavage.

Or...when the skin folds over your dress.  It wasn't a bad look from the front!

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