Monday, July 23, 2012


What would a music festival be without hippies?  These weren't your ordinary hippies.  There were some...I'd like to call them classic hippies.  Traditional, original, authentic even.  AKA old as shit and still smoking the ganja.

Oh, you should have seen the fronts of them.  Lots of time lines...
I suppose in this category, I will also include the Buffalo Soldiers.  Minus the conviction and the cause.

And then...there were new hippies.  Wannabes.  Some are probably like Megan Maschlach, who master mellow and free-spirit like no one I've ever met.  Others were just dressing the part, or smoking the part, as it may be.

It was interesting to see how friendly people are...sharing whatever they've got with each other.  There was a guy doing the hair yarn and if you were camping, there were henna artists and people with body paint and glitter for concert-goers.

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